Time Waits For No Man
Well, that year has flown by and what an interesting year it’s been for BASCA. The highlight for me has been getting out and about to meet you. BASCA is its members so putting a face to the names that appear on membership application forms is a real joy. A little bit of human contact, some chit-cjat over a few drinks is most welcome – wherever that may be and in whichever town.
We really have been all over our beautiful Isles this past year: Glasgow, Edinburgh, Manchester, Liverpool, Derby, Bath, Canterbury, Hertford and Brighton are just some of the destinations to have featured on the UK itinerary, with BASCA Directors extending their travel and important lobbying to mainland Europe too.
Sheffield, Nottingham, Bournemouth and Cardiff … we’ll be seeing you in early 2015 so get ready for us.
As is the Editor’s wont, I would like to take this opportunity to thanks all BASCA staff but especially my team of Ashleigh and Cindy for their support this year.
Finally, I’d like to thank you – our BASCA members.
Wishing you and your family a restful break. Can’t wait to see you on the other side.
Darren Haynes