What’s your favourite app?
My favourite and most-used is WhatsApp. I use it more than anything else on my mobile, hence its prime position in the bottom left hand corner of my screen. It’s quick, easy, I use it one million times per day – or thereabouts. It’s the best way to contact me.
Do you bank online?
Yes, I use the Emirates NBD app. I’m forever sending cash to my flatmate in lieu of our food delivery orders. Of all the banking apps that I’ve used – in the UK or UAE – this one is probably the most efficient.
Android or Apple?
Back in the old days, I was an evangelist for BlackBerry. I liked it because it was chunky and had proper buttons, just like the first generation Nokia mobiles. I didn’t need a mobile to be cool, it just needed to function properly. Then I was given an iPhone 4 by my company because I needed access to the internet. I was an Apple convert and have remained loyal ever since.
What phone do you use now?
My current mobile is an iPhone 7S and I’m aware it’s time to upgrade. I like the familiarity of the iPhone. Never expect me to make a call on it though. On the telephonic spectrum, the likelihood of me making a call falls somewhere between rarely and never.
What laptop do you use?
My work laptop is an HP something or other and, while I like the operating system, I don’t like the machine – it’s sturdy but too heavy to carry around. My personal laptop is an Apple MacBook Air. I should’ve chosen a Mac with higher storage capacity – not being able to store all my photos and music on it is a mild frustration.
Do you keep your phone near you when when you go to bed?
I keep it on my bedside table or sometimes even on my bed, not because I’m wedded to it but because it’s my alarm clock.
Have you ever undertaken a tech detox?
I’ve tried all kinds of detoxes – even a Master Cleanse – but never a tech detox. Should I? I reckon I could manage. Just.
What’s your favourite social media platform?
For personal use it’s Instagram. I set myself a challenge when I moved back to Dubai to post one photograph per day, taken on that day, using my iPhone. One of the rules is that the photo must always be filtered in some way. Eventually, when I finally head back to the UK, I intend to exhibit a selection of these photos and tick that off my bucket list.
What website do you click for news?
News for me is still delivered by the BBC, via their website or any of their radio stations. I think I even still pay the BBC TV Licence fee in the UK (note to self: check the Direct Debit and act accordingly).
What’s your most searched topic on YouTube?
My YouTube searches will almost certainly be related to music, finding obscure album tracks, long-forgotten artist interviews or demos that wouldn’t see the light of day on other websites. When I was young, I would go into record shops and listen to vinyl before parting with my pocket money. I suppose I use YouTube these days as a similar try-before- you-buy platform.
Smart watches – yes or no?
I don’t wear a watch. I’ll stick with the world clock and the alarm on my trusty iPhone, thank you.
What headphones do you use?
I don’t use fancy headphones to listen to music. I prefer to listen to music loud with my naked ears.
Do you stream music?
I’ve been working in and around the music industry for years and was gifted an original Spotify account in 2008. I still use it.
What audio gadget has impressed you?
The Bowers & Wilkins Zeppelin Air speaker dock transformed the way I listen to music. And it looks great too.
What brand is your TV?
When I lived in London I bought a top of the range Sony Bravia that was slightly curved, sleek and beautiful. Within one week of purchasing it, I was headhunted, offered a contract in Dubai and didn’t get chance to enjoy it. Apparently, the tenants who now rent out my home like it.